Saturday, July 31, 2004

Well a little about me...

I've been threatening to do this for a few weeks now! LOL Most of anyone that reads this knows my name is Tina. I'm a mother of 3 boys. Yes at times that's torture, but I love them just the same. I recently moved out of my home state. (gladly though) Basically, I'm starting over. As hard as that sounds, it is. LOL But I know I'm strong enough to handle it. Life may be hard, BUT, God isn't going to hand me anything that I can't handle. Yes I'm a believer. It may shock some, but that's how I am. I come from a long line of believers in many things. I am Native American, and will be registered soon along with my children. Love... that's what my college friends called me.. then one day told me that I was addictive. They had to have their "Love" fix for the day to be "normal". I still don't get it. Loyalty is a very large part of my make-up. No I don't still look over the horizon for my "Knight in Shining Armor"!! I have met someone, that I today I asked if he'd be my "Knight in Shiny Clothing"!! LOL yes there is a story behind that and I will share it another time. One of my Biggest problems is Loving too deep, too fast, and trusting waaaaay too much. But, in my defense, I have many friends that help to keep me grounded. Although, they still let me reach for the stars and catch me everytime I stumble. God Bless my Sister's on here.. for they mean the world to me... As for the man.. well some already know about him. Others.. Well time will tell.. If things work out better.. He'll be mentioned more in here.. Now as to a subject that I'm very popular for... LOL The ladie's and I were talking about "Preferences" in the room tonight!! My views on this are simple. I can't make someone like me or be attracted to me anymore than anyone can do the same thing to me. My preferences are younger, male, Good looking, (trying not to drool on the keyboard with thinking of Andy...LOL) Physically fit, good sense of humor, and a must... Have a brain and know how to use it!!!!! Hmmm too much to ask for?? Maybe I should start a poll...LOL Well this end's the first post. I do hope you like it and come back again. Maybe I'll get creative and put mushy love poems on here to make ya sick.. Until then.. Love to ya!!!


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