Saturday, July 31, 2004

Sometimes Life Sucks...

Yesterday I was disconnected from the internet by someone. Without warning or consideration. I've always thought myself considerate of others and their feelings. But, as we all know some don't have consideration of anyone or thing. This is the case with most of my family. I'm sitting here thinking of all the times that if things didn't suit them or they gain from it, my family had no use for me. I've just been in the way of many people in my lifetime. That's why my friends are so important to me. Because they never make me feel unwanted or in the way of things. I read something years ago that kind of stuck. "Pick your Friends wisely, for your family you're stuck with!" I took it to heart. I don't call someone my friend lightly. Just as I don't love lightly. Life isn't so complicated. It's hard at times! Over the years I've learned to keep my chin up. Take life straight on, suffer the consequences of it. But Most of All: SURVIVE and never Give up!!! That's why I can Love so much.. and so many. Because I Believe!! I believe in God, Love, and Happiness. My heart hurts as much as anyone elses. It's a lot like falling off the horse. If you never get back on, you can't ever conquer that fear. My words aren't the wisest of words, but they are from my heart. And I know that counts for something. I'm not sure how many people know the "real" me. Not that I put on an act, I just try not to bring everyone's mood down because I hurt. My feelings are mine. Everyone deserves to be Happy. My happiness lies within my heart. So to share my heart and it's desires, I feel I share a happiness with others that only Love can explain. As we all know, somethings can't be explained. Just Felt!! May this Day be filled with Peace, Love, and Harmony.

Love to you Always,



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