Monday, January 16, 2006

Things Change So Quickly...

I went to see my Dr today, it wasn't the best of news. He has decided that I need to be in a facility. After my stroke, the state didn't allow enough physical therapy. So, in order to get the diet I need along with all the therapy as well, I have to go into a rehab facility. In other words, a nursing home. Guess you can hear the excitement in my typing, right? I just don't want to be thrown away, yet again. My oldest 2 boys are going to stay with their dad in AZ. My "mommy dearest" made that decision yersterday. To say she was having a bad day, well.....does the word "UNDERSTATEMENT"mean anything??

But, I do want the boys to know him. Maybe this will be good? I just don't want either of them to come home malnutritioned like Bobby did before. And this is documented, just in case someone tries to deny it! Bobby still doesn't eat a lot of ground beef. I just hope and pray they listen to him. I don't have much choice bt to leave the baby with moma. What a scary thought! Hopefully, she won't ruin his little mind with her over-bearing mind games. Please Pray for my Boys, they will need it. They are still so angry over losing my Dad and then almost losing me. Go Figure!!

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love


Blogger Moon said...

I am so sorry that you have to be placed Tina and I hope the kids will be ok... I will presume the most positive train of thought in hopes that the doctor is doing this for your best good in order to get u back to a much better level of overall health. If living in a facility expediates that then everyone will benefit and you can eventually get back to caring for the kids. My prayers are with you Tina, let us know how your doing.

7:10 AM  

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