Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Countdown is at 7!! As the Holiday Shoppers begin to Panic....

As they are looking for the "perfect" gift for each Loved one, Listening to "The" Music to put you in the Mood (or mode) to Buy everything in sight, Oh Wait, just the cute things right? Okay so "Everywhere" you look there is "Cute" things. And, "Ahhh, Love is in the Air," for near bout every couple you know is now "Engaged!" Now Wait a Damn Minute, this is NOT a BAH HUMBUG Message. I'm Happy that there is still Glorious Feelings of both Love and Ectasy among us. There is nothing like the "Glow" of a new Bride or mother, for that fact! These are the things that have Continued human Existance. Anyone that claims to not believe in it, havr lost all bearings in "Life."

We each have our own beliefs and feelings. That's one of the most "Unique" things about the Human race. We aren't lines of robots doing the same thing, because that's all we can do. Some can sing Beautifully, others a Bucket wouldn't help. A few of my friends heard me sing (before my stroke and trach). That part of me left with a short slice on my throat. I know how it feels to "entertain" others with a few songs. The feeling can be compared with a sense of accomplishment and pride. This is also the way each of us feel when we find and give that "joyous" feeling of Christmas to the one person you never thought you could. I know I've mentioned my friends being a diverse group, did I ever mention, Why? My Thoughts and
Moods are as diverse as my friends. I don't know about you but, I just LOVE a challenge. Imagine putting all of your friends in one room.......Now are you mingling or refereeing?? Me, I'll be the one talking to everyone, be it individually or in whole at times. My friends each know just how special they are to me, at least I hope they do. "Friendship" is just "The" word for "CHOSEN FAMILY"! If you've ever spent an evening chatting with us you would understand the sentiments are DEEP.

My feelings for my friends are strong, as are my hearts desire for each person to find and ejoy their own personal "Happiness." I know after reading about all the things I've surmounted, you may think this all Bullshit. But Please bekieve it's truly Heartfelt feelings as well as words. God touched my Life early. I almost died when I was 10 months old. Over the years, I've giben Credit where it was due. There have been many times others look at me as though I was insane, just becasuse I looked up and said "Thank You" to God and His Angels. With that said (typed rather), I close this for now. Remember one thing in closing, Just because you don't know for whom you pray for, doesn't mean it doesn't help in the long run!

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love


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