Friday, October 29, 2004

Okay I'll stop with the quizzes for Now..

I found a cool site that has all kinds of quizzes. But to take them all, I'd get nothing else done. And I do have other things to do. Like laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and (when they get home) Making my boys clean their room. It's not dirty, just messy. When will they learn to put things up. It would be so much easier to put it up freshly washed, dried and folded, then to have to refold it and put it up later. I'm staying in my Uncles old room, still sharing space with his belongings. After someone passes it's hard to move everything out. Almost like, keeping their memory alive. I hope when I pass, it won't be so hard for (whomever) to put my things away. However that may be, in giving some away, keeping part of it, or even throwing some of it away. Yes, I've been known to be a pack rat. Losing everything to a fire tends to make you appreciate what you have a lot more. And, now with losing Almost everything, when I lost my house(not to a fire), Makes me more thankful for what I have left. I was just going to vent about the boys not putting away their clothes and got to thinking about everything! Figures, don't it? Sometimes Thinking takes you further than you want to go. Have a Great Day and Weekend!!

Happy Halloween to those that Don't get on this weekend.

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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