Sunday, October 24, 2004

Memories! Man they can really get to you.

Here it is the weekend. Around here, that means a full house. We have my Aunt, Uncle, a cousin, and 2 great grandbabies. Well 5 if you count mine. I remember when everyone was still around, you couldn't walk for all the kids on pallets. The adults stayed up playing Yatzee or 42. I was allowed to play with them at a younger age because I was taught 42 before I was in my teens. I'm not sure many know what 42 is, but it's played with dominoes. I was taught so I could play if there wasn't enough players, or if someone had to go somewhere, I got to sit in. I remember how "grown-up" it made me feel. Anyway, we played Yatzee, maybe I can talk them into some 42 later. It was so cool to play with my Grandpa and my Great-Aunts (back when they were alive) more fun than going out, Ever!! I didn't miss a chance, if I had it. Of course, the older you get the less time you have for games or visits. The best times of my life were sitting around the dinner table, not eating, just laughing and playing games. I miss those times and most of all my family that have gone on to the other side. Take time to play a few games or sit around talking and laughing. It will be great memories to look back on after they leave you. Saturday nights don't have to be full of dates and drinks to be good.

Andy is working and just hasn't been online that much at all. Makes for a long day when you can't chat with anyone.. just delete mail. LOL Hope all is well your way.

God Bless you and keep you Safe!!

PS: Jenn, remember what I said and let me know if I can help in any way! You are in my Prayers, as are all of your family. Love to you, Hun!! With Loads of Hugs too!


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