Monday, October 25, 2004

I wrote these... I hope they don't seem too Mushy for you!


To me friendship has many meanings. It is the siplest form of kindness. It can start off with a small smile or just a "hi". The cool thing is a friendship is something built. It's not something you do alone. And they're limitless, for you can have as many or few as your heart allows. We go through certain rituals building our friendships. Such as, the sharing of childhood memories, teenage adventures, adult experiences. With Women it's the pregnant stories. Life's experiences can be funny, scary, or possibly learning and teaching scenerios. Friends share and learn from each other, no matter the ages they may be. I'm Proud to have as many friends as I do!! My heart is when I say, "This is my Friend". I hope and pray the best for each and everyone of you. With each passing year, tehre are the times of "parting is such Sweet Sorrow". But, the happiness I feel that we're all continuing to live our lives to the fullest and doing what's best for each of our families, taking our lives on the "right" path, is enormous. No matter the distance between us, we've each Touched one another's lives and hearts, that can't be erased! May God Bless us all for Striving to be Survivors and not giving up when all the chips seem down!!

Losing: In the eye of the Beholder

I lost a friend to the distant miles today. Soon another will journey far away also. Knowing that they'll be safe and happy with their families, comforts me. But the sadness of not being able to talk with them is still there. I'll think happy thought of them often. The good memories we've made will lighten my heart's sorrow of loss. I have many good frinds that live far away. The difference is I've made these friends up close and personal. Not that the friendship is any stronger, just different. In person, you can see the reaction in their eyes as well as their smile or laugh. The Late sleepless hours, talking of future dreams and goals in life. Venting the anger and stress to each other. All of this is nothing new to friends, for I do the same with my on-line friends as well. The face-to-face thing makes a difference. To be able to reach out and pat a shoulder or hug someone just because they need it or you want too! It goes far beyond the the communication lines. But still, I know that there's always letters, phone calls, and the net. So I look at it this way: Hope is not Lost to the Loss of Friends to the Distant Miles. For the Miles have many of my Friends and Love ones. And I Love you none the less for them!!

I wrote these while I was living in the Shelter. I know that some of you know how sentimental I am. Okay so I'm a Mushy, Corny person.... Sue me!! LOL But I wanted to share them with you. I'll blog more later..

Take care and God Bless, Tina


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