Saturday, October 30, 2004

Thinking, Again!

Have you really thought of all the wonders of the world? How hugs from certain people can make you feel like nothing can take this away! How a simple "I Love You Mommy(or Daddy) can make all the worries of the day fade! Just like the first rain after the summer's heat has past, the relief of stresses that are built up. I'll not lie to anyone, being a parent carries it's own stresses. But there's the instances of complete elation they give you with the kisses, hugs, and I Love you's! I can't imagine not having my boys. We were separated for 10 months and it damn near killed me inside. Seeing them once a week for an hour, wasn't near the amount of time they needed. They've been home since May 24th of this year, and I'm still working on the damage that was done in those 10 months. I've worked hard with each of them to try to reverse the damage. I'm always reassuring them of the Love I have for them. Chance still needs to be worked with, he still runs away from authority figures. He's willful, but he's a good boy. Bobby needed the least work because he always believed it would be temporary. Alex, well he's still having some anger issues. He's a Good boy and with time it will heal his hurts. I talk about this tonight because, they are good boys, all of them. It's been one of those "rough around the edges" days. I Love them so much, so much that I'll never give up them. They may not believe in themselves, but I do!!!! And Always Will! May Everyone have a Good night. Take care and be safe.


Oh and Happy Hallow's Eve!!


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