Monday, November 01, 2004

Sweet Things?

Not that there's a short of sweets in the house on a daily basis anyway. My Granny thinks you haven't had a meal without dessert. It's always been that way with her. And then she wonders why she's heavier than she was at a younger age. Now mind you, she's 78 and still kicking. Everything with her is something to debate or bitch over. Hmmm, Okay so she's not quite as bad as my mother..but close!! LOL Yes, it gets on my nerves sometimes, mostly it's funny at the things she finds to bitch about. The funniest thing is she gripes about the things that can't change more than others. And everything that my youngest does, gets on her nerves. So, I'm the one that is always getting bitched at over the kids. Whether it's something they did or didn't do, or get this, something she THOUGHT OR THINKS they were or are going to do!! Make sense?? Maybe to someone that thinks like her. *Wondering if anyone else knows of this behavior?* They say that God Blesses the old with many years of life. I'm not sure I want to be "Blessed" like that if I turn out to be one that bitches about everything (even if it didnt' happen) or am trying to lay claim on everything that is around me. The story on that is, my Mother brought Alex a plastic pumkin to go trick or treating with, and she tried to convince me that it was her's and she wanted it back. She'd been looking for it all evening. I reminded her that Mom brought that one for Alex and she was welcome to call and verify. She then remembered that, "Oh yeah I remember that now!" You know what I just realized, I use this to bitch about everything around me... OMG..... Help me not be a Bitch, for that is not my purpose in Life!!!!! May God Bless you with Happy, Healthy Years!!! Take Care and Be Safe!


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