Monday, November 01, 2004

Trick or Treat?

Okay I took the boys trick or treating, in the car so they would stay out of the mud. Plus, they don't know many here, even though most are kin to us. So, here I drive them around the little town we live in. It takes all of about 30 minutes. There is a bit more to the town, but the baby was getting tired. And this was his first official time to go Trick or Treating. He had a blast, in spite of jumping muddy ditches filled with water, and not once did he jump in Head first!! LOL They did get a good bit of candy, great thing for them to get all hyped up on! All in all it was a Grand experience. I enjoyed watching him have fun running from one house to the next. And the advantage I had, (hence the smiling Mom) they went to sleep so well, I was able to go to bed early too.


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