Sunday, April 17, 2005


Some won't understand this, others are either living it or lived through it! My oldest son has been going through the "say it with no thought" stage Therefore, to say he overloads his ass with his mouth is an understatement. Put him and other males together "fist city" is where they want to go. If I'm lucky enough, the male is mentally mature.(where this is I'd like to move there.) It isn't in Texas!! Enter a 19 year old with a build up of testosterone, with anger issues and a mild case of cerebral palsy. (which affects his emotions) Hmmm, Wonder where this may take us? He's been scheming for a couple of weeks trying to get him alone, to beat him up of course. I had intervened several times preventing this. Well, I tried yet again, to no avail, to prevent it. I was unsuccessful. Yes, I phone the police. Yes, He went to jail. That seems to be where all my problem lies. I'm trying to care for and protect my children, but simply because he's family, I should let it pass?? My thought is no. I've had family members in prison before. (Not the family's proudest moments.) Now my Mother seems to resent helping me do anything! Have I ever mentioned her favorite child is my brother? But, she'll never admit it, although, everyone that knows her could (literally) testify to. I'm not going to rant about the past. Right now, my nephews are facing felony charges. Oh, but get this, it's my fault not theirs! They attack my son, I get the blame for their actions?? I've sat here and laid in my bed thinking about all the things that will happen to him. I would like to see him get the mental help he needs, in reality, I'm not sure he'd accept it. He has the "I DON'T CARE" attitude syndrome. He's had this for years. I have thought of pleading with the judge, but would it do any good?? Will it bring my brother back to speaking terms? Would it change mom's attitude? For someone that isn't supposed to be upset or stressed, I'm sooooo in the wrong family for that!!!

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I Always Knew Something Was Off

You Are 55% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

How Normal Are You?

This was soooooooo Predictable!!

Tina (Love)

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