Monday, August 02, 2004

Why is Life Like a Roller Coaster???

Ever felt as if some days your life was like an Amusement Park? Or, the lack of any Amusement at all? I think we all have those days. The Ups and Downs of day to day happenings. Somedays I tell you, everything is funny. From the way they are laying sleeping in the bed, to them being all Sprawled out on the floor watching TV. Remember when we were kiddies? And not allowed to make near the amount of noise kids now-a-days make? And Argue about everything!!! Things that don't even matter. I Pray, A LOT! God give me strength to make it through one more day... I know He hears me. I'm sure he finds some of Our Prayers amusing at times also. I can't say I know what God thinks or the reasons He does things. I accept them. I saw the Prayer on a wall at my childhood Dr's office:

"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And WISDOM to know the difference. "

Strange how somethings just, Stick! With all the prayers I have read in the Bible. I still fall back on this one. Especially when it comes to my boys. Don't get me wrong, they are good kids. But Oh Boy, can they push every "wrong" button!!! LOL My almost 4 year old reminds me of the little boy from "Parenthood". Yes that one!! Wreaking havoc on himself and everyone around him, and then crawls into your lap and tells you he loves you. Or, walks up saying, I just want to hug you. *Sigh* Then there's my 12 year old, God Bless His Little Heart!!! Stuck between childhood and teenager. He is so confused about a lot of things. I remember those years. Not quite a child anymore. Being told, "You're too Old to do that now!" Or, "You're not old enough to do or act that way!" One of those "Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don't!!!" I still can relate to the frustration, mine are just a bit different now. I'm not sure I want to talk about my 15 year old right now. He acts as if the weight of the world is on his back all the time. He's my worrier. He Worries about Everything. I remember the first time I looked at him and realized how anal retentive he was. BTW, that was when he was like 8....LOL We laugh about it now, more amusement of things in life? But of course it is! If we couldn't laugh about things we've seen or done, then I'm not sure sanity would mean the same to any of us. There's a complexity to all of us. I'm sure that's where the saying stemmed, I'm sure. "It takes all kinds to make up this old world!" There are those of us that Believe in God, and those that don't. I can't feel sorry for those that don't have Him to lean on. Just as I don't want them to feel sorry for me as I pray and wait for the answers to come. Brings to mind the Garth Brooks song, "Unanswered Prayers." And then back to the granting of Serenity. Not a vicious circle, as you can tell. But, a circle of life so-to-speak. I'm not going to preach. I Know we all have our own Beliefs. And I do believe in, "To Each His Own!" I Wish you all a Good week. May God Bless you, if that's okay? And to those that are around, I'll talk to you later.



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