Saturday, November 20, 2004

Expectations in Life....

I know, I'll write about anything! LOL But, I was thinking yet again. A question to self: Do you really Expect too much in Life? From Others? My Answers: I don't think so. Since I live in the real world, I don't believe that Life owes me anything. I also know without effort, you can't accomplish anything either. I can't expect too much from others, when I expect so little. My faith in people, in general, has diminished over the years. There are those I believe in, trust and Love Dearly. The world we live in isn't perfect, by any means, it's the one we live in. That is, if we choose to really live, and not just exist. I've noticed the similarities in Surviving and Existing as of late. And that frightens me. I've always wanted to live up to my own potential, which is hard for most, myself included. I once had someone say something to me, at the time I didn't get it. "Get out there and live life. DON'T just let life happen." With 1 divorce, 3 children, and quite a few jobs later, the light bulb goes off. Blinding as it may be, I can see a bit clearer, now. We all sit and think about the things we've seen and done, even questioning ourselves of the things we would do differently or change. The fact is we wouldn't be the person we are now without everything that has been done or happened. Do I have regrets? Honestly, yes, but with each passing experience, I LEARN. I have learned to Love myself more. But I haven't learned to love others less. I don't Hate, there are so many other emotions attached to this one feeling. It's so much wiser to let any feelings of this nature go, giving you a feeling of peace. Why Hate someone, when they don't deserve the Love that goes with it? Do I expect you to understand this? No! Not unless you've lived it. When you are young you are taught that you Love your family. Well, Guess what?? Love isn't something taught or even something that has to be done. We make others Earn Trust, Why is it so infeasible to make them Earn Love? My Answer: It's not!! It all goes back to, Are you STRONG enough to hold to your own Values and Standards? I'll close for now, I feel a headache coming on. And the need to "get off" feels at Hand. Yes! I had to say it. *Those of you that have read Clover's Blog will understand this much much better. (Signing out Laughing my Ass off)

Take Care, Be Safe, God Bless, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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