Monday, November 15, 2004

A Day in the Life....

This weekend started off.... well, it wasn't all bad. LOL Andy and I were chatting when his computer died. Saturday, we had the "Fall Festival" and it was fun. Thanks to Andy's Dad having a computer, we were able to chat last night. I went to church yesterday, it was nice. We started a new class last night as well. The boys were able to go with the youth group to see a movie. Chance is still a little monster! He didn't get to go to the movies, he was allowed to nap. Yes there were other things that happened. But, I do try not to bore you too badly. LOL Oh, I also looked into getting into the church choir again. It was really funny to watch the new music director dance around what he really wanted to say. He wanted to say a few things, but was afraid of offending some. Like for instance, he doesn't want people who can't really sing...LOL He really doesn't want pre-teens on the choir either. Which didn't upset me, I was a bit disappointed. Alex sings in the choir at school, as he did last year. I even offered a audition. He wasn't really interested. I hope he's not too close-minded. As anyone can tell you I'm really not a close- minded type. And it saddens me to see it in church. It was hilarious to see the women's faces when he went to talking about drums and guitars playing there. Close-minded in some ways, too radical in others. I love music of all kinds, so this wasn't shocking to me. This little town isn't one to rock though. Although, it would be nice to see them put another step forward. We'll see how this goes. I'll be the one close to the front watching. LOL Granny is the back row sitter. So I'll hear about all of it. I did tell Bobby that he'd been signed up for choir. He just looked at me in that typical teenage, "No you didn't" look. I just laughed, it's hard to get him to sing aloud to his own music at home. I'll not hold my breath! He's more of the prop type. He'll move things into place for you, just don't ask him to act or sing. My Boys can really make me laugh sometimes. Fun takes on a whole new meaning with them involved, at times that is. Anyone with or around children know this. They can make you laugh, cry, hug them, your heart goes "Awwwww" at the sweet things they say and do. It's cool watching them grow and learn. They can always remind me of how many experiments went awry when I was younger. Learning from our mistakes comes with life. I think I'll watch and listen a bit Longer!! See ya!

Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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