Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Things today were okay. I have been thinking a lot lately. (Yes, I know it should be against the law for me to do this.) Bite me!! The fact remains that someontimes it's hard to shut the brain off. For instance, have you ever wondered why you do certain things? Is it out of habit? Do you find yourself doing things you don't like simply because that's what you've done all your life? Why is change so hard for some and easy for others? Believe me when I say change isn't easy, but not impossible. Oh, and why is it so nerve racking to wait for someone? I mean you're waiting for them, you must want to see or talk to them, right? Then why does it bother us to wait? No, I'm actually not talking about me(this time)! Granny fusses at the boys constantly for keeping her waiting. And yet, tonight she kept them waiting for 30 minutes. But they weren't supposed to be upset with her?? Double standards suck ass!! And that brings another question to mind. If things are done that we don't like, why can't we change it? Is the fear of the unknown so Gret? Or are we afraid of what others will say or do? When you are young, you find yourself in between a rock and a hard place. Does anyone ever really get out of that place? If so, how? Enlighten me!!!!! Well, I've used up all my brain power for the day.

Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can and do change. Just not very often, sigh.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Ugh people.....*note to pinch Hobbits arm for being a person*

12:13 AM  

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