The End of "A Year Conquered".....
Okay, so there wasn't an enemy to catch or control. After my "month of darkness," you'd think the last word to use in description of the last year would be conquer or control. Sounds almost like catching something I'm not sure I can handle. So, Moma bought a pet carrier!
"To overcome or surmount" I'm not sure anyone completely overcomes a stroke. There's always some little something that's affected. Emotional control (actually, uncontrol) is the one thing all stroke victims (I've talked to) have in common. Those that can and can't walk. When it (the Emotional uncontrol) happens, we don't see it. let alone understand it. And on top of everything, To surmount anything is just a part of what life hands you. We all stumbablr and fall at times. This is where your true strength comes in, unfortunately so do your fears.
What are your true colors? Are you strong enough to pull yourself out of the deepest dark you've ever known? At momemts like these you aren't thinking self-preservation. You do think of those most dear to you the one's you're sure will never give up on you. Yeah, right! The majority(99%) stayed true. The one's that gave up, well, I've realized they just didn't know me. I just don't give up, I have faith in the world. in Humanity.
Now, I'm sure you're thinking I'm a Fool. But then if you didn't believe in it too you wouldn't be reading this blog or any for that matter
Be Loving Toward One Another.
God Bless,
Tina ~AKA~ Love