Thursday, December 29, 2005

The End of "A Year Conquered".....

Conquer: To overcome or surmount by physical, mental, or moral force;
To gain or secure control of by or as if by force of arms:
example: scientists battling to conquer disease;

Okay, so there wasn't an enemy to catch or control. After my "month of darkness," you'd think the last word to use in description of the last year would be conquer or control. Sounds almost like catching something I'm not sure I can handle. So, Moma bought a pet carrier!

"To overcome or surmount" I'm not sure anyone completely overcomes a stroke. There's always some little something that's affected. Emotional control (actually, uncontrol) is the one thing all stroke victims (I've talked to) have in common. Those that can and can't walk. When it (the Emotional uncontrol) happens, we don't see it. let alone understand it. And on top of everything, To surmount anything is just a part of what life hands you. We all stumbablr and fall at times. This is where your true strength comes in, unfortunately so do your fears.

What are your true colors? Are you strong enough to pull yourself out of the deepest dark you've ever known? At momemts like these you aren't thinking self-preservation. You do think of those most dear to you the one's you're sure will never give up on you. Yeah, right! The majority(99%) stayed true. The one's that gave up, well, I've realized they just didn't know me. I just don't give up, I have faith in the world. in Humanity.

Now, I'm sure you're thinking I'm a Fool. But then if you didn't believe in it too you wouldn't be reading this blog or any for that matter

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I was trying to tell how it was as a child. But the words weren't flowing.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Friday, December 23, 2005

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, .......

Well, the waiting is almost over. It's really nearly here! This is the only time of year Everyone wants to be seen with a "Fat" Person. (As long as hey're wearing a Red Suit with a white beard!) It's the most Ironic, hypocritical time of the year for the 20 something generation. Oh let's not forget all the health crazed, with the great bodies (and drug habits to match). For any-other-time, they would shy away from the situation. This time of the year we also want to give our children what their hearts desires. There isn't anything more satisfying then the "glowing" smile of the ones you love when opening gifts on Christmas morn. Remonising of days gone by, scenes of Christmas' past, the mixture of joy and axiety all those times feel as fresh watching the children (your's or family's) as the feelings flood back like goosebumps taking over. Ome thing I've always enjoyed is "People watching". This is a luxury that is sadly missed by Celebrities. Hell, they can't eat a bowl of fruit without it being announced on television or pics of it on the internet! I can sympothize with them. When someone bitches about no privacy, they usually have no clue about "no privacy." But, I'm digressing. This is also the time of year "Good Hearted" people want to help others. Sadly, with everything else that's happened this year, things are minimal but still help. I Thank God for them that give/help, I've been guilty of being on both the giving and receiving end. We've always refered to them as "Special Angels" from the beginning. I told someone something years ago they liked.
Those that give from the heart,
Walk Lightly in the light of God.
Yet, mark the world with footprints,
Who will fill them next?

*Now whose been guilty of bitching, then saw someone with everything taken away by one of the huricanes?

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Countdown is at 7!! As the Holiday Shoppers begin to Panic....

As they are looking for the "perfect" gift for each Loved one, Listening to "The" Music to put you in the Mood (or mode) to Buy everything in sight, Oh Wait, just the cute things right? Okay so "Everywhere" you look there is "Cute" things. And, "Ahhh, Love is in the Air," for near bout every couple you know is now "Engaged!" Now Wait a Damn Minute, this is NOT a BAH HUMBUG Message. I'm Happy that there is still Glorious Feelings of both Love and Ectasy among us. There is nothing like the "Glow" of a new Bride or mother, for that fact! These are the things that have Continued human Existance. Anyone that claims to not believe in it, havr lost all bearings in "Life."

We each have our own beliefs and feelings. That's one of the most "Unique" things about the Human race. We aren't lines of robots doing the same thing, because that's all we can do. Some can sing Beautifully, others a Bucket wouldn't help. A few of my friends heard me sing (before my stroke and trach). That part of me left with a short slice on my throat. I know how it feels to "entertain" others with a few songs. The feeling can be compared with a sense of accomplishment and pride. This is also the way each of us feel when we find and give that "joyous" feeling of Christmas to the one person you never thought you could. I know I've mentioned my friends being a diverse group, did I ever mention, Why? My Thoughts and
Moods are as diverse as my friends. I don't know about you but, I just LOVE a challenge. Imagine putting all of your friends in one room.......Now are you mingling or refereeing?? Me, I'll be the one talking to everyone, be it individually or in whole at times. My friends each know just how special they are to me, at least I hope they do. "Friendship" is just "The" word for "CHOSEN FAMILY"! If you've ever spent an evening chatting with us you would understand the sentiments are DEEP.

My feelings for my friends are strong, as are my hearts desire for each person to find and ejoy their own personal "Happiness." I know after reading about all the things I've surmounted, you may think this all Bullshit. But Please bekieve it's truly Heartfelt feelings as well as words. God touched my Life early. I almost died when I was 10 months old. Over the years, I've giben Credit where it was due. There have been many times others look at me as though I was insane, just becasuse I looked up and said "Thank You" to God and His Angels. With that said (typed rather), I close this for now. Remember one thing in closing, Just because you don't know for whom you pray for, doesn't mean it doesn't help in the long run!

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Just a Few Thoughts....

I went to my monthly Dr's appointment today. He believes I'll survive another month, he set up another appointment. I have a really nice, caring Dr. He has a Grande "bedside" manner! (I'm not just saying that because he's young & cute either.) Anyone that knows me knows, married men are way off-limits. No matter how handsome or intelligent they may be. Nuff said! Now with Christmas just around the corner, I've tried to get into the "Spirit". It's just not happening. No worries, I bought a tree for the boys. Things are just going so fast. It's almost like I lost a whole year, instead of just a month. Maybe it's just too soon? I've always loved the holidays. Wearing my Santa hat and Jingle Bells on my shoes was the norm for me. just after Thanksgiving. Humbugs have never been allowed at my house. Bobby, (my oldest) tried to be one year before last. This year none of us feel the "Cheerful" mood. I pray this changes next year. Happy Holidays to All and to All a Good Night!

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Main Key to Communication.... to Open your mind and mouth by using words. Descriptive words help, but not neccessary. There comes the time your child loses this skill, some never had it. Go figure! Over the years we "Learn" how to communicate with others. Depending on the mood others are in, limits communication levels. I should know, it's a variety in my home. And boy are the moods varying! I've never been good at "walking on eggshells." Me? Rocking boats, more my style. Just like men, my taste is rather....ummm..different? Eh, the world's made up of so many different people with so many different beliefs. I was just going to open this post, with the short version.

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? The only way to make it stop is to listen to it. Old 50's and 60's Do Wop songs are a weakness of mine. Well, to be completely honest, I enjoy all kinds of music. Hell, according to everyone that knows me, I dance to the beat of my own drum. But there are times that songs remind you of certain people. Back when I was able to work, I did so in the public. As a cashier at a gas station/convenience store, right off the highway. There, a person could see/meet so many people in passing each day. Each person with their own personality and beliefs. As we all have our likes and dislikes. That is why when communicating with the public (in general) there are subjects you should avoid! Politics, Religion, and/or any other "Radical" beliefs we may have. That is, if you don't enjoy a good debate.

Ah, debating, the "nice" way to argue. That is something that I've had a passion for, for years. As if I could do more than piss someone off! LOL Well, on occassion I can and do make a point. That's about it for tonight

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Some Songs I Enjoy

Friday, December 09, 2005

I Am a Survivor!

Today marks the One Year Anniversary of my Stroke. Some would say I'm too damn Stubborn to die willingly. They would be right. Mpm always said I would argue with God. But, I didn't! Thoughts of a good Debate crosses the mind. LOL Don't worry, subjecy matter would be very Limited, to say the least. Over the years, words haven't failed me. Even when they come out so twisted, no one should walk straight. Hey, maybe that's why I've been punished. Moma said God didn't "punish" me, he's "Testing" me. Well, Did I PASS?? I want my old self back. I've endured and my "Faith" is still strong and intact. No, this isn't to start a debate. I respect everyone's beliefs. Let's just leave it at, you believe your way, I'll believe mine.

No matter how it's viewed, I'm still here! I continue to be a smaerass as often as possible and blogging may be challenging, but, I don't give up easily. There's one more thing I want to say. I may have had a devistating stroke, my body may be broke, my mind isn't. God was watching out for me afterall.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Thursday, December 01, 2005

So Many People...So Much Love...


Support World AIDS Day I didn't realize what today was. Thanks to a friends reminder. Give a friend a hug, be glad they're healthy & here.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

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