Monday, August 02, 2004

A Message From My Heart! For the Brothers and Sisters of the Internet!!

For those of you that Know me.... You know my biggest weakness is my own Love of others and of some things. I'm just like everyone else, I listen to music that suits my mood.... A music mixture that is beyond belief to most. Love Songs are one of the things that keep me in hopes of the "One!" My Hopes are as big as my heart. Those that know me, know my Heart is as big as Texas... Or so a few have said. I don't meet a stranger, much...LOL I've been called Sweet so much, it's no wonder I'm diabetic... And believe it or not it really is hard for me to be a true "Bitch." I think a few others in my family used that card up....LMAO I've learned a few things over the years. Plus, after 3 children, the nerves do tend to get a bit frazzled. But, that doesn't take the Love away from them... Just gives me a few extra feet of room sometimes...

A Few of my Internet Brothers and Sisters know about the pain I've been through on this computer, well the net. And I want them to know that I know that I wouldn't have kept my sanity throughout each ordeal that they have supported me through. Sometimes it's okay for someone to tell you, "It's gonna be Okay, (Honey, Sissie, Sis, Hun, Hon.....etc)" No matter what was going on, either about my children or my suck-ass Love Life, I've had some of the BEST Moral Support anyone could ever ask for. When my family let me down here, my group of friends never did. Shocking to think I'm living with my Mother right now. I Do believe someone liked to have passed out when I told where I was moving too... and offered a Huge Good Luck. Which was much appreciated.. and still is... and yes it's still okay. But getting worse by the day. When it comes to my family I don't hold my breath or hold much hope for a long standing anything. Well, maybe the Long Standing Resentment that I'm even still around. Oh don't get me wrong, they Love my children, and would love to have them. I'm the inconvenience. No this isn't a plea for someone to feel sorry.... I've lived this way all of my life. First I was the way to get to my Daddy by my Mom... so I've always been useful or one sort or another! Don't believe me you can ask My Aunt. She'll tell you. *Shakes head in disgust* Good thing I'm a survivor, and not the kind from the nice little jungles on the TV...LOL There was a time When we had a somewhat normal family. LMAO That all left us in 1981, with the passing of my Mammam. She was the true glue to our "family." She wasn't around when her first grandchild graduated from highschool.. yes, that was me. She wasn't around for the birth of any of her great-grandchildren. I know she still watches over all of us. That was just her. No matter what you did or said to her.. Although it might have hurt, Her Love was Strong. It took a lot to kill her Love. I guess that's where I got my Ability to Love from... to Forgive at every turn... Her Hope for Life's future... Okay I have to close this now.. I'll write more later.. Have a good night...

Oh and you can blame Red for this... I guess I'll soon be considered a blog whore too...LOL One thing I have to say about that.... IT'S ALL GOOD!!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame me??? I've been catching crap all over the net lately lol. First Im a man.. and a father at that.. now It's my fault again. What did I do this time?

You know your in my thoughts.. Luv ya!

4:03 PM  

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