Tuesday, November 23, 2004

As some know, I'm living with my Granny. Well she left Friday to go to a cousin's wedding. No, I didn't go! After the first 3, it's kind of boring. LOL And since I am the oldest Grandchild of this side of the family, he's younger than me, and is working on his 6th child. Plus I couldn't tell you if he was married to all of his children's Moms. Anyways...... She's back now. And I'm so glad I didn't think that getting married was just something to do! Funny thought just crossed my mind, just trying to calculate the marriages I know of, I became confused. (Laughing manically) My Brother, still married to his second wife, is living with his gf. His ex-gf that recently had a baby, in which, he claims, just moved out of the house with them. Of course, I can't talk too loud. I lived with my ex and his wife in the same house for a while. I don't even remember how long. LOL On top of that she was pregnant with "their" daughter. The one she confided to my mom and myself that she was pregnant when she moved back in with him. But, he claims her, not my concern. And I've been accused of being a "Drama Queen" by these very same people that have told too much. *rolls eyes and blows my bangs* Okay, I'll admit I've seen some Drama, doesn't mean I was in the middle of it. Some have put me there. But, Hey, To Each His Own HELL!! I just hope when Judgement day comes, they are ready to face their own "Drama." Can drama follow a person? Now, don't get me wrong, I've been in the middle of my share of Drama. But I'm not to blame every time it happens around me. I've learned over the years, to stay out of other's business. I don't go tell who's sleeping with who anymore. Hell, if that's who they want to be with, it doesn't matter what anyone has to say, that's who they'll be with. I've been accused of acting like I was better than others. All I have to say to that is... Well..... I don't condone what other's do, but in the same right I don't judge them either. We Each have a right to our own likes and dislikes. I'm not the one they have to worry about. A lot of them come to me to talk things over, because I'm not judgmental. I listen, answer questions I can, and listen some more. We've all known others that have done some really crazy reckless things. Did you sit in judgement of them? Or, did you realize there was something missing in their lives and was in search of a quick fix? Our reputations are something that band-aids can't heal. Once you're known as a womanizer or a whore, not much can erase that. And worse is when it's your family that says that about you. Even when they know nothing of your private life! Yes, I've been a part in a "hen party." (for men, that's when we gather somewhere and talk about the best and worst sex we've had) LMAO Oh and the disgusting behaviors we put up with to have that said sex. The one thing I've always had trouble doing is comparing men sexually. Now, behaviors are fair game! Well as usual my fingers have typed whatever I thought. I have no idea what my point was tonight, nor do I remember if I had one.... LOL So I'll close for now. Please know this, NOT every Woman is a Man Basher/Hater. And not everyone judges every move you make. One thing, the preacher said that really sticks in my mind is, that Baptists are the most judgmental of all religions. If that's true, I'm not sure I'm a "real" Baptist!!

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


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