Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Not A Lot Going On....

Some weeks there's too much going on to put it in here. Not this week, although, I know it's not over yet! The main thing going on is getting the boys on track at school. That is, my youngest two sons. My Oldest, I'm very Proud to say is passing all his classes and doing well. Alex, my second, seems to be trying out procrastination! It's not working for him, he never gets it done. And I'm already tired of doing 7th grade work. LOL Chance, the baby, is in Pre-K and his 3 hour day seems to be too long. His teacher told me today, the first half of the day he was fine. But then, Chance informed her, he was at school too long for him to be good the whole time! Talk about "Out of the Mouths of Babes!!" She couldn't help but to laugh when she told me. I don't see how she kept a straight face when he said it. I wouldn't have been able too. Children now-a-days are just too smart for our own good. Yes, I said "Us" and meant it. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my children's ability to use their Brain! For when I was young the use of thought wasn't encouraged. Lines such as, If I wanted you to think, I'd tell you what to think! Stupidity? Absolutely!!!!!! I want my children to not have to "Depend" on others to make informed decisions. Emotional decisions can backfire more times than naught. So here I am, trying to think of things to use to "Redirect" his behavior. Our newest deal is, if he learns his letters well, he gets his own Bible. I know a form of bribery, but it's not something that will rot his teeth or give him bad ideas. Well, not right away anyhow..... LOL

Take Care, Be Safe, and Keep Reaching for the Stars!!



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