Sunday, January 22, 2006

Was Life Always This Way?

I've known that nothing in life is fair, since I was a small child. Of course, when you're small your parents tend to even the odds if not bend them in your favor. It reminds me of the times I (purposely) lost all those games of "Tic Tac Toe" and "Checkers". First to my brother,cousins, and then my boys. Nothing like the glowing smile the first time they beat an older person. Friends are very similar to this. We, as friends and family members, know the importance of building not only the "self-eteem" but the many aspects of it. The "Self Esteem" is built
with the mixture of confidence and courage. We have to believe in ourselves to be able to accomplish anything. I've heard the smart-assed remark of being confident in failing! Ask yourself the question, Did you really try? Did you give up too soon? Am I teaching my children to take the coward's way out and quit? I didn't quit. My faith in all is still there. My belief in God and all that is good, is what will help me through yet another test!! I'll be in touch.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Monday, January 16, 2006

Things Change So Quickly...

I went to see my Dr today, it wasn't the best of news. He has decided that I need to be in a facility. After my stroke, the state didn't allow enough physical therapy. So, in order to get the diet I need along with all the therapy as well, I have to go into a rehab facility. In other words, a nursing home. Guess you can hear the excitement in my typing, right? I just don't want to be thrown away, yet again. My oldest 2 boys are going to stay with their dad in AZ. My "mommy dearest" made that decision yersterday. To say she was having a bad day, well.....does the word "UNDERSTATEMENT"mean anything??

But, I do want the boys to know him. Maybe this will be good? I just don't want either of them to come home malnutritioned like Bobby did before. And this is documented, just in case someone tries to deny it! Bobby still doesn't eat a lot of ground beef. I just hope and pray they listen to him. I don't have much choice bt to leave the baby with moma. What a scary thought! Hopefully, she won't ruin his little mind with her over-bearing mind games. Please Pray for my Boys, they will need it. They are still so angry over losing my Dad and then almost losing me. Go Figure!!

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Happy Birthday, Alex!!

Today my second child turned 14. He's had a few hard, "angry" years. There's a bit going on in my life. We may be moving yet again soon. If things work out, we will be moving into the 5 bdrm house I was trying to buy all summer. Of course, there are differences, it will be a home for those who need assisted living. More later.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!

My New Year Resolution is to live life to the fullest this year. I do love my children, but sometimes I feel like I've given up too much. And they don't appreciate any of it. This year they just may learn the hard way, the oldest not the baby. May All of you have an Excellent Year to Come! Hugs to my friends, plus Smooches to those that want 'em.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love

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