Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Okay, Okay Here Goes Another Few Thoughts

I Do believe this is "Apricot"!! And they know who I'm talking too.. LMAO Just remember I Love you Honey... *Big Grin* Anyway, I'd like to apologize for putting Blame on Red for getting me hooked on this. Actually, It's pretty theraputic. I can put anything here, and in all honesty, I will..LOL So if you think you're safe, Think Again. :D Well my day was pretty good today. Still haven't found a job. But I have faith, I know things will work out. I'm supposed to go this weekend to get the majority of my things from Texas. I was going to try to go tomorrow. But that fell through. So ya'll are stuck with me until the weekend. I know you won't miss me much. I'll be back..LOL The past few days have been kind of eventful, in my eyes anyhow. I've been spending a bit more time with Andy. It's always nice to chat with my friends and the one I Love. And they all know who they are! I try really hard not to get to sentimental or mushy, I know I don't succeed often...LOL Oh well!! I guess that's just a part of me that I can't hide. Not that I hide anything, I have no reason for that. Lying is something else that I don't do. As anyone that knows me knows, Ask me anything. If I feel comfortable answering then I will. If not, don't worry I'll tell you it's not something I feel I need to discuss, or my reply may be more like: And that's your business, because??? I'm a smartass. In my defense, I've found I'd much rather be a Smartass than a Dumbass!! I've been treated like I'm stupid or just fell off the tater wagon yesterday...LOL And even played along with it. Try telling a cop that you have no idea what a trifold registration is!!!! See if he believes you.. HE did ME!!! LMAO The only problem to that was that when he went back to the copshop, the officers that knew me told him he'd been duped. I still didn't get a ticket, but he never liked me again! The sacrifices some of us make. LOL (yes there's a story to that too. I'll have to relay at a later time!) Well, maybe I'll just tell you in the naughty box.
When I sit here I think, maybe too much! I have been told I over-analyze things. Between putting in Applications and waiting for a response, there seems to be Waaaaaaayyyyy too much time to think. Oh, but let's not forget my Day Dreaming too...LOL I have this problem with my memory, I remember too much. It's scary to some people, most of them prefer that I forget more then I remember. The memory thing has it's advantages and disadvantages, like when someone lies to me. They had best remember that lie....LOL Because I'm the one that will say that's not what you said before! And the fact that I archive my conversations, tends to freak some out. I don't use them against others, I have used them to remind someone of what they've told me or what I told them. It's much easier than arguing. But now arguing can be fun. *wink* I always did like the make up part of it!! As I look at the things I've typed already, I know what most of you are thinking. Damn, if she types that much, she must never shut up. LOL But that's only after good sex...LMAO Damn, did I type that out loud?? LOL
I thought I would leave a little more of a message to that certain someone.... I hope you've been having as good a time as I have been this last week. May our journey continue with smiles and laughs galore. I Love You! Oh, and don't worry, not many people read this. Just my closest friends.... Kisses


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