Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hello Everyone

Me again, me being Reesie. I received a phone call earlier from Tina's mother. She had taken her cell phone to Tina and held the phone to her ear so I could talk with her. It was a bit challenging. I was talking to Tina and she was signing to her mother and in turn her mother was telling me what she said. It was worth the effort though. Tina is in good spirits considering everything. And I was right, she's ready to go home now!!

She wanted me to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It means so much to her at this time.

Her mother told me that the dr's are calling Tina a miracle. When she was first taken to the hospital, the dr said he wouldn't have given 2 cents for her recovery, especially after coding once already. She has snapped back incredibly though. The dr's are amazed. I wouldn't have expected any less from my Tina.

Tina's mother will be setting up a bank account for Tina, she has no insurance whatsoever. When I get that information I'll post it ASAP if anyone wants to make a donation.

Tina is waiting on cards and letters from her friends so get writing people!!

Much love to everyone,, Reesie and Tina

Just a note from a friend

Hello Reader,

This isn't a usual post from Tina. As ya'll know, Tina has literally been through hell these last few months. Well, it's not over.

Tina's mother called me , My name is Reesie, Tina is one of my closest friends. Tina had a stroke on Dec 9th. She's in Methodist Dallas Medical Center in CCU. She's paralyzed on her left side, but she's getting some movement back. The dr's have told her family not to expect her out anytime soon though, but if I know my Tina the way I think I do, she'll be kickin their asses wantin out SOOOOOOON. She hates being couped up.

She can communicate, she knows sign language from having driven a bus for special children for years, so Thank God for that. It has to be frustrating as hell not being able to do what you want to do. One of the first things that she wanted her mother to do was contact her online friends to let them know what had happened. Thats the kind of person that Tina is,,, in CCU and she's worried about US!!!

I've known her for years and she never ceases to amaze me.

Friends, if you know Tina and love her the way i do,, the address she's at is as follows,,,,

Methodist Dallas Medical Center
p.o. Box 65599
Dallas Texas 75265-5999 or

Methodist Dallas Medical Center
1441 North Beckley Avenue
Dallas Texas 75203

Tina is in room (bed) 6 it is CCU and her name is Tina Loers. Her mother asked me to ask all of her friends to PLEASE send her cards and letters that she needs all the stimulation and encouragment and love right now that she can get. Please take a few minutes and drop her a card, even if only to say hi, it would mean so much to her and her family.

I will post more when I know more.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Now isn't this sooooo Cute???

Okay so I had to change a few words.. I'm far from thin... and last I checked I'm not a man... LOL

The GashlyCrumb Tinies - You have a terribly wicked
sense of humour and people are drawn to your
wit. Children beware of the fat, pale red haired woman
with the black umbrella!

Which Edward Gorey Book Are You?
brought to you by

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Another Day in HELL with Me!

The last week has been pure Hell! Today My Daddy has been dead a week. We buried him yesterday. I saw it all the way through, as he did with me for so long. He never left me hanging. Now, as he journey ends in life, I have to find a way to continue without him. The days feel like they have all blended together. I pulled up at Daddy's house tonight in hopes he'd come to the door. I know how crazy it sounds!! Maybe the stress is getting to me, or maybe I've been crazy for years. Just can't tell about me anymore. This Grieving thing isn't working for me. Yes I hurt and cry becasue I want My Daddy back. But, my why's and who's seem to overrun it. My 4 yr old only knows that Papa Tommy is Dead. He informed me that he would dig his way out of the grave to come back and be Daddy again, I would see. I think he's watched too many horror flicks. My oldest two were the last to see Daddy alive (from the family) just 15 and 12. The 15 yr old, well, he took it hard. The 12 yr old, took it harder, for he was the last to get a hug and kiss, and Papa Tommy told me he'd see me later. Moma, he says, Papa Tommy knew we were coming back. He would never do what the police said. My children are relatively normal kids. I Love them more every day. My Daddy was very proud of them for the way they were adjusting after all the BS and moving we'd been through. Alex only missed A/B honor roll by 4 points, in one class. In the days to come, I hope that I can instill in my children the values in life My Daddy taught me. Yes, Moma taught us things too. But, I was Daddy's little girl until Thanksgiving Day of 2004. Now, I'm not sure what I'll be considered. So, here I sit living life One-Day-At-A-Time!!!!!!!!!!! Just an hour at a time. Hug your loved ones and check the peepholes. Until next time.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)

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