Saturday, December 18, 2004

Just a note from a friend

Hello Reader,

This isn't a usual post from Tina. As ya'll know, Tina has literally been through hell these last few months. Well, it's not over.

Tina's mother called me , My name is Reesie, Tina is one of my closest friends. Tina had a stroke on Dec 9th. She's in Methodist Dallas Medical Center in CCU. She's paralyzed on her left side, but she's getting some movement back. The dr's have told her family not to expect her out anytime soon though, but if I know my Tina the way I think I do, she'll be kickin their asses wantin out SOOOOOOON. She hates being couped up.

She can communicate, she knows sign language from having driven a bus for special children for years, so Thank God for that. It has to be frustrating as hell not being able to do what you want to do. One of the first things that she wanted her mother to do was contact her online friends to let them know what had happened. Thats the kind of person that Tina is,,, in CCU and she's worried about US!!!

I've known her for years and she never ceases to amaze me.

Friends, if you know Tina and love her the way i do,, the address she's at is as follows,,,,

Methodist Dallas Medical Center
p.o. Box 65599
Dallas Texas 75265-5999 or

Methodist Dallas Medical Center
1441 North Beckley Avenue
Dallas Texas 75203

Tina is in room (bed) 6 it is CCU and her name is Tina Loers. Her mother asked me to ask all of her friends to PLEASE send her cards and letters that she needs all the stimulation and encouragment and love right now that she can get. Please take a few minutes and drop her a card, even if only to say hi, it would mean so much to her and her family.

I will post more when I know more.


Blogger rfun6 said...

Oh my gosh, that is terrible. I will send her a christmas card and pray that she recovers fully.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Moon said...

She is in our thoughts, if you speak to her mom again Reesie, ask her if Tina received the little present I sent her. Hope it can put a smile on her face and know that she has lots of angels thinking about her. oxoxox

10:14 PM  

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