Saturday, August 20, 2005

What's Going on?

Not much of interest has happened lately. I'm still around raising hell, flirting shamelessly, and lusting actively. Not only did my sence of humor hold on during my adventure(stroke), so did my sex drive. And you can be sure that if everyone thought my sex drive was outrageous before the stroke, needless to say I can only pick stong young men(LOL). I stay pretty much cooped up in the house. It is very much of a hassle to get me out and about. So I stay at home watching movies with lots of men in them. But dammit, there is not enough male nudity in our society. And I myself am tired of watching perky 20ish female boobies, give me man boobies anyday! For example, "The Pacifier" with Vin Diesel, has exelent man boobies, but the scene isn't long enough! While everyone gets to enjoy meeting others,i sit and lust after acters that become others(LMAO). Betcha never thought you'd hear someone bitch because they can't work, but yes that is what im doing! I miss meeting people. I miss being able to type two handed. But that is for another time. I may be going to a nursing home for a little while. I will stay in touch with Reesie as much as possible. I will probably not have access to my Puter, Except some weekends.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon! This is me sending Love your way!!!

Tina (Love)


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