Sunday, March 27, 2005

An Easter Prayer!

As I woke early this morning, my mind wandered about the happenings and how busy others will be today. So I decided to start the day with a prayer. It went as follows: Dear Lord Please watch over those that have to work this Holy Day. Bless and strengthen those that don't. For those are the ones that need you most, Lord, they need the patience of Job. This will come in handy for those with children around wanting to eat the "Chocolate" Bunny. But Lord, let us not forget tolerance, to deal with those with "half empty glasses" in life, they know who they are! May it be a Cool, dry, yet Sunny Day for the "Egg Hunters". Oh, and also, May everyone have eggs in their tuna all week!! Have a Happy Easter and God Bless!

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


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