Friday, February 18, 2005

Just a little Sharing

Life around here is quite different than before. No, It's not because the man I spent over a year with chose to stop talking to me. Not because he still lives at home with his mother. Not even because he feels it his duty to make it up to her, right the wrong his father done in his eyes. I can't say as I blame him, I remember the old me. I'm a lot slower in my typing. Oh there's quite a bit different about me. I'll never be allowed to live alone. I find that good news, no more solitaire!! I know you think I am co9mplaining, I'm not. Try having to depend on someone else to go potty, It's not even funny to wet yourself at 40. And to wear a diaper, when your 4 year old is asking why, another time things aren't funny. I had a scare the other night. My feeling weird, ambulance ride, then hospital. Something happened in the Ambulance that my family still laugh about. As some know, the whole (seriously, the entire) left side of my body is Numb. I can't feel a thing. There were 2 men tending to me medically (just in case you were confused). One of them(Paul) was putting an IV in my arm, I looked over at him which caused my affected side to go crazy. That might be why I call it my crazy arm. I turned to see what the other guy (nope, can't recall his name) you'll wonder why in a moment. LMAO As my eyes focused, I find my numb crazy hand cupped right on his crotch. I apologized profusely, as I removed my hand. He never flinched, said it was okay. I said ,"If it makes a difference, I didn't feel a thing!" We just smiled and went on. What I should have offered, was to check with my good hand, see if it did the right thing. If you think that was funny you should hear about my leg wrapping story. I didn't remember it. I had to be told! Boy, I'm even a perv when my brain is on the mend.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


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