Sunday, February 13, 2005

Let's Chat!

Hello, I hope your day has went well. As everyone knows, I've been a bit sick. For those of you that don't, well, I'm home from the hospital. Just in case you might have any doubt, I Did Not get sick on Purpose. The guy I have been talking to for over a year broke it off with me January 8th. All I have to say about that is, I now know who really cares. God was there with me, because the type of stroke I had is 98% fatal. Good thing God doesn't pay attention to statistics, huh?? I know some don't believe, I do. I lost a month of my life to nightmares. But, have no fear(or maybe you should) I still have my long-term memory. A physical disability WILL NOT get me down. I've never given up on things. As for Andy, He gave up. I tried to talk to him tonight to no avail. I'm an Adult, therefore, I'll let him be. Yes, foolishly enough I still Love him. My main concern is my working to get better and stronger. I have many male and female friends, I still feel the Love they all sent.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


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