Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Some Things!

Hello Everyone,
And tell me how you are this Lovely, Hot Day! Yes, It may seem that I'm having a wonderful day. That's because I am!! Andy shared some of his artwork with me again today. He's quite talented. He even drew one while we sat here chatting. It was cool to watch. He's shown me quite a few family pics of his also. I really enjoy spending this time with him. I'm not sure if he realizes how special it is to me. Funny Thing is, his horoscope said: "Combining romance and a favored hobby might seem like utopia, and you will get a taste of this perfect combo today. Pleasant music could dominate the day as you seek a harmony to express the recent victories you have had in one-on-one relationships." Cool isn't it? Fasinating how that actually fits sometimes. I don't live my life by that though. I never have. I have actually met people that do. And they also call and talk to advisors and psychics. Now, don't get me wrong I know that there are "gifted" ones. And I know some don't believe in that either. Oh well, I guess that's How I know I'm not here to please everyone. Each of "Our" beliefs are our own. Thank God! Because over the years, I've met some really weird people with beliefs that, well as gently as possible, I can't phathom. Not to say my beliefs are right and others are wrong, Just some beliefs are unique! *Big "Innocent" Grin* (Damn I miss my emoticons on here!!)

Anywho, I'll be leaving in the morning to go to Corsicana. So I won't be posting for a couple of days, and some will get a rest from daily ramblings. Now for the really good news. We have a way down there, just no way back. I just Love these "missions" we embark on! I'm so unexcited about this trip, it's unreal. Mainly because I'm not going to be able to get my things. But on the up side. I will be able to get more of my clothes that fit me. Of all things to leave behind, Huh? We ran out of room to put anymore on the truck or in the car. Try moving in a Pontiac Firebird sometime. They did get a good laugh out of my moving my king-sized bed to my Aunt's, on the top of it. LOL I have to admit it was a sight to see. But then again, I've always done that kind of thing. And when there's no trucks available, you have to improvise. I may not be able to tell a joke, but I can do Loads of other things. LOL I remember when "country" wasn't cool, then when it was, and now it's not again. LOL To be able to Cook?? God forbid!! It was sad I could cook better in my freshman year of High school then my Home Ec teacher could. I was raised in a kitchen full of women cooking, started when I was 5. You should have seen the chairs I used to reach everything. LOL And, if that wasn't tall enough, Dallas phone books were the booster seats of yester-year, and worked really good to step up on the counters with. Weird the things you remember, and the way each of us "fixed" our short problems as kids. Well, I think I'll close this for now. Everyone have a Good rest of the week and a Great Weekend, just in case I don't get back in time. *rolls eyes*

Love to you,

PS: And Andy, I just wanted to say I Love you, Just incase I don't get back for a few days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive carefully.. I'll see ya when you get back

11:15 PM  

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