Friday, November 26, 2004

For God's Sake Unload Your Guns!!!!

A Tragic accident struck my family today. My Daddy fell and the gun he was carrying went off shooting him in the side of his face. He bled to death before we found him. The day before we'd had a couple of heart to heart talks. I know that he was at peace with a lot of things after the things said. But in NO Way do I think he would ever have done it on purpose. My Daddy wasn't a quitter!! He'd made plans to go shopping for Christmas tomorrow. My Brother was coming with Thanksgiving Dinner. He cleaned his house and was so excited about having it there. Yes, he had been suffering from depression for not being able to work for over 2 years. But with his disability coming he was looking forward to Christmas this year. He was looking forward to a lot of things. Things that now, we'll face without him. The "If's" flowed freely! My two oldest children had just left his house. So they feel guilt and wonder if it would have been different if they'd stayed. If I'd been there, maybe I could have gotten help in time. If they'd left earlier, none of this would have happened. So many things run through your mind in a Tragedy such as this. But none of it will bring him back. My Daddy wasn't perfect to anyone but me!! Not because he could walk on water...LOL But because no matter what He LOVED us kids. He was there for me to cry on his shoulder, bend his ear when things weren't perfect, or just Hug me til the tears went away. I'll miss my Daddy. I'll miss his Hugs more. I believe in Heaven, and that's where my Daddy is tonight. He joined God sometime between noon and 2:pm today. So now I have one more Angel on my side. But to be by his side just one more time and tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me still, that's one thing I won't have until it comes my time.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


Blogger rfun6 said...

I am so very very sorry to hear of your loss. That is so terrible, no matter how you daddy goes it is terrible to lose you daddy. I still cry sometimes when I think about my daddy or sound of his voice. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this time.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Moon said...

Tina, at times like this, words are so hard to find . How do we say it. Mere words are so lame when trying to express how badly you feel for someones loss. I hope you have people around you that can help you with the grief and help you with handling the boys feelings aswell. You know many of us are here to lend an ear or a shoulder. HUgs my friend.

10:12 AM  

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