Sunday, November 07, 2004

Just a Thought or 3...

I was just sitting here wondering.... Why does there have to be bad, just because there's good? Not that things are bad here. I was just thinking.... I had a Great night last night/this morning! Andy and I talked for a few hours..LOL (Just from 9:40pm til 3:00am) Not long at all... LMAO The quality of the time we spent talking, laughing, and flirting was worth a month full. It was as if we were making up all the lost time. It never fails I get so mushy when I am talking to him. Almost like my heart filling up to the point of bursting. I tend to ooze out the tender mercies of my heart, in words. Sharing my dreams and fantasies with him is almost as satisfying as making love. I did say ALMOST!! Maybe I should talk to a few people about the first time they met their on-line Love? Did it feel as "Special" in real life as it was over the net? Was it more intense? Were they nervous? If so, Why? LOL Damn I'm full of questions, aren't I?

I truly enjoy the communication part of a relationship. Any relationship depends on it. How can you build it if you don't have that? The point is, yes we all have gaps of time that we can't be online and chat. And sometimes time doesn't allow many e-mails. I'm in 2 groups on yahoo, and some of my friends barely have time to send an e-mail there to stay in touch. Circumstances change on a daily basis for some. And I know some of you are thinking, she's justifying something here. But, I'm not! I can't sit here and Honestly say that what has happened is right. But in reality, we all deal with things differently. That doesn't make it right or wrong for that person, but for the person they are doing or have done it to, is a different story. I'm not bitching, defending, justifying, or trying to offend anyone. I've always tried to see things in the sense of "Reality." In an Ideal world, we'd all marry the first one we fall in love with and live happily ever after. I don't live in that world. Time changes alll of us. And distance is just a small obstacle! There are so many other obstacles in life that can be time and life consuming. I thank God I don't have that to deal with. I feel very Fortunate that I have Love in my life. Every Friend I have counts for a piece of my life.

This is one Prayer I will share openly with anyone that it applies too. May "We" have many good years, Happy times, Love like there's no Tomorrow, Live life to the fullest, and no matter how it ends up, Look back and see the good times!

As for Andy? Time has been kind to us. We met each other a year ago Yesterday. Happy Anniversary Honey!

May God Bless us All, Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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