Thursday, August 05, 2004

A Few Thoughts From.... a Simple Mind??

Of all things, My Mother wants to move back to Texas. I don't. But I have no where to go right now. For some reason, My Mother thinks she's too old to "start over". But tell me who thinks they can? It's not a matter of thought. It's a matter of will to go on!! Yes it's hard to do, I'll admit that. And I don't have a problem meeting new people. I do, however, have a problem with moving back to Texas. I was born and raised there. I guess you can say I am just tired of it. Nothing against my fellow Texans, Honest. If you like it, more power to you. For years I've thought of nothing but getting, NORTH!! Then I started talking to someone from the "Mid West!" I'm not one to pick up and move to somewhere that I'm not wanted, or even invited too. And, I'm not sitting here waiting for the invite either. There's a reason God gave me the strength to stand up and reach for each of my goals. I've stumbled as anyone else has, but give up? NEVER!!! I'm not sure if I'm considered, Tenacious or Persistant?? Or Both?? I'm determined
not to move to Texas. But in reality, I will do what's best for my Boy's. With that in mind, I'll also
strive to put into motion my goal to get where I want to be. When I am sure I know where that is...LOL

Strange, how we know we want something. But, Don't know exactly what it is! For example, I know how I want things to be! Knowing how to get there is the hard part. And when I get there, will it be everything I want it to be? Will it be for the right reasons? (Okay, maybe I'm not simple-minded as my ex told me I was!) Easily amused and satisfied? Most of the time! I'm considered the female version of a "Nice Guy"! And we all know where they end up!!! For a very long time, I sat there waiting for my turn to be "Happy." For it to find me, not really searching for it. In that time I did finally realize that anything worth having is worth fighting for. Whereas, you must Give to get in return! Believe me, I've given! and given, and given some more... And I'll give some more if need be. Some see it as "giving in" to another's will. Or letting other's walk all over me. It's beyond that! Think about all the abuse in the world, no really.. Does that stop everyone from feeling happy?? Stop everyone from falling in Love?? Does it even stop you from Celebrating a Birthday, be it your's or that of a loved one?? Does Everyone give up
on things the first sign of a rough time?? As with all, there are bumps in life. It's the way you conquer the obstacles that matters, not the course you've taken. That to me, would be like wondering What's going to happen on the road behind me. To worry if someone else is going to make it, taking the same road I did, but I fail. Failure is different for each person. There are Personal failures, failures of Society, Justic System failures, and then the Biggest failure of all...... Giving up on yourself!!! It's hard for me to give up, on others or me. Is that weird??

I understand that everything I type here is more or less of an oppinion. Mine to be exact. The last thing I want anyone to think, is that I want anyone else thinking as I do. The difference in oppinion's, thoughts, beliefs, and in general what other's may want proven, is what makes people in our world interesting. And I told a friend I was boring tonight. I think I've proven that with each time I post things here. Thought provoking things have always enthralled me. The hardest thing to do sometimes, is to figure out the answer, when you know it's in the back of the book! Not everyone looks. I know some do. But what do you get by being handed all the answers?? It's not the true experiences of Life. Just a form of, okay someone already did this, it didn't work for them, WHY TRY?? Are you one of those that Try?? Isn't what you Strive for or Dream of Worth the RISK?? Hey I'm not talking about walking on broken glass here!! It's a wee it deeper than that. Don't you think??

May God Bless you and Keep you until I return,

The color is For Miss Peachy.. See I Luvs ya too..


Blogger Amanda said...

AWWW My Tina Poo loves me!!!!!!!!!!!

2:39 AM  

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