Thursday, September 23, 2004

Part-Time Friends??

When I meet people, I don't decide or think I'll know them forever. some are just casual "passing thru" friends. They don't stay in touch and don't respond to offlines. It's the same in real life too. Think about the last timeyou chatted with someone in a grocery line or Dr's office. Just a nice chat and that may be the first and last time you meet. Yes, I'm getting to a point. I have people on my list that never contact me. Some answer if I message them but, most don't. No, I'm not hurt by this! It's called, "Life goes on." The one I wish hadn't disappeared on me, that's the one that hurts. But Hell, I lived this long without him, I'll survive!! Anyone that knows me or has read my blog knows of whom I speak. I'm not sure what's going on in his life, I haven't heard from hime in 3 weeks. Of Course, he may be pissed at me again, and this is my pushiment. LMAO Like I don't have enough of that in my life, Huh? Maybe that Certain Friend was right. Maybe I should find someone closer to my own age and mental level. her words were "You and Your Babies!" But, we've already addressed the preference thing. And I don't think of him as a "Baby," after all he is over 21. I used to joke about it and ask the men I met if they could legally vote...LOL But in all reality, most men don't really settle into life til closer to 40. Hmmmmm Maybe that's what's wrong with me, I'm not settled. I don't want things too comfortable, that's when boredom sets in. I Love to laugh and have a good time. But I don't like going out to do it. don't get me wrong I can handle crowds of people, some can't. I have an aunt that panics in crowds, like an axiety attack, she can't breath and has to find a way out quickly. Too much solitude in her later years maybe? Could be! But, the small get together of a few close friends is more personable and makes for good quality time.

I've never had much "me" time, even before my children. Strange how you don't realize you "need" it, until you DO!! LOL Even as I sit herewriting this for the blog, Chance is here with me. He's been playing and coloring. I wonder if it's still counted as "me" time? Probably not, then again I wouldn't even let my boys stay in Daycare while I did my homework in College. I wanted them home with me. I'mve dedicated my life to my children. See, They didn't ask to be born, that choice was on me. And for me, there was only one thing to worry about. What to name him times 3. I wanted a girl, but I've never been disappointed with my boys. I Love them each individually. I talk about them all the time in here and they're mentioned in my profiles. They've been on cam for my friends to see. And they enjoy getting to know my friends by sight as well as name. they got a kick out of Andy. He made them laugh aas much as they got him to laughing. I'll have to share the "erection" conversation with you later, it involved my 12 yr old. "Out of the Mouth of Babes!"
Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!

I was in chat a bit a few nights ago. With limited time, I couldn't say "Hi" to everyone. But I may have really good news. We're awaiting some letters from Texas, and then the boys and I get an apartment!!! Child support should start up again soon, the ex changed jobs. I'll have to get beds for the boys. I'll have my puter Back!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! No internet at first, no phone line yet. "One-Day-at-a-Time is my way of thinking. Starting over isn't easy, but, it's Doable! I may miss those that don't speak or message, I do still wish them all well. I still Love you, even if you aren't talking to me. Maybe you'll read this and realize you are Missed!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry things are so up in the air for you at the moment. And I hate to hear you've not heard from your man.. but you know my opinion on that.. if it's meant to be and all that..

I am very proud of the fact you put your kids first. And you're right, they didn't choose this life. It's nice to know that at least one other woman understands what I've felt all along.

Things will work out. They always do. I miss you... don't forget about us.. we won't have forgotten about you. >:D<

11:07 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I wuv my tina poo.....

men still suck though.

12:38 AM  

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