Sunday, September 05, 2004

Just As I Thought!!

As I thought and figured, My "Sisters" are being as supportive as always. God knows I Love ya'll as much as ya'll Love me. That feels good to be able to say and know it's true. I guess the part of not being able to talk to everyone, whenever, brings about my doubts about things. Not the par where we care abou each other. I'm not as insecure as I used to be, Trust Me On THIS!! LOL Reassurance is nice, encouraged even. That's something we all need, sometimes. Over the years, I know I've been a pest, not intentionally, but a pest just the same. I was told, more times than once in my childhood, that I could "Worry the Pure Piss out of the Pope!!" The things that come to mind as I sit here watching my boysplayng outside. the breeze was lovely, Not too warm or humid. Like a late Spring Day, before the heat really hits. So Nice and Beautiful that the cats, squirrels, and butterflies all seem to be dancing on the breeze itself. As I sat there light-headed from over-doing it again today. We all know how it is to be sick and finally starting to feel better and just tend to over-do it a little?? I know, Me Sissie, I hear you!! But there were things that needed to be done. No they couldn't wait. The boys have sooooo much energy that they really needed to be outside to release it. I'm trying to take it easy, Honest!! It just seems to hard when there is so much to do and so little time to get it done in. Any of us know that. Mom or not! LOL So Bite me, No, a little more to the left. Yeah!!! Right there... Ahhhhhhhh LMAO kk with that said and done, I'll add, I was going to take the boys to the park. That didn't happen. My brain is so fried taking all the steriods. Vision not focused isn't helping any. I did get the rest of their school supplies so now no more teachers gripping at me. Just to get the baby in headstart. Maybe I'll be able to find an apartment soon and a job. To begin my starting over all anew where I am so ready to be!! Funny, sometimes it's almost scary when it feels like you're waking up from a Long Winter's nap...... that began Years ago trying to hide the pain!!

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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