Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Meeting Pt 1

She slowly, quietly appoaches his back. He's calmly, politely giving directions to a nice looking woman. So may times she's seen his smile, heard his voice, and watchd his body language, electronicaly. Mowx shcould smell the soap he used, the scent of his shampoo, all mixed with his natural scent. There's a smile on her face that's been there since she first spotted him. Mervousness is trying to invade her senses, as she continues to remind herself of how much she loves him. But, its' not herself she doubts. The fleeting courageshe had is being replaced with too many questions of: will he....?? Does he....?? Pushing all of these aside, she finds her voice, "Excuse me, Sir, Do you have the time?" .......... To Be Continued........


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