Saturday, August 21, 2004

Packing and Getting Out!!

Just about everything is out of the house that is mine. Now I have to wait for my brother to get here to get the rest packed on the trailer and truck for it's trip to Texas, Where I'm NOT going!! Seems I've been on someone's nerves as of late. That or He's having problems dealing with the fact that I'm going where I am and no way to talk to him. If that's the case, I wish he would just tell me. Of Course, I did a foolish thing, and forwarded a message to him from someone he doesn't know and well there were things said. Anyway, I can only work on one day at a time here. Well I'm off here.. Hope all is Well with Everyone!!

Andy, I want to apologize for being so irritating these last few days, as my stress level has been a bit higher. Until Next We Meet, My Love.

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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