Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My Internet Limit

This Periodic checking of e-mail isn't a bad thing. Not Able to chat with everyoneis what Bites! and Not in a Good Way either!! i miss talking to all my Sisters. But I Seriously miss chatting and flirting with Andy, the most. I also miss palying games with him. I waited till after school let out to come back online. I'm running out of time here and sitll not many on. just like around 11AM not many on at all. I shot off a few e-mails to let some know I'd be on about this time. Even told someone that if the message was taken as a "warning" then he wasn't missing me very much! LMAO We'll see what's said about that.

One thing I don't like here is all the talk of Therapy that "they think" I NEED??? I Love me the way I am. Oh, of course, "they" aren't comfortable with my level of use on the internet. The way I have more friends on the internet than in my personal "real" life?? Okay... I thought that we were all "real" even if we communicate by computers, I'm sure we all still bleed!! That to me makes us real, well that and some of us actually feel things too. Don't worry I'm not talking about the users that I've met either. You couldn't pay me to believe that they feel anything.. the sick Assholes!!! Anyways, the one good thing that I do have going for me is..... I could be on here Monday through Saturday, 2 hours a day, But I'm not. And no it's not because I've been sick.... *sticking my tongue out at those that are looking at the screen skeptically* I'll be the first to admit that, in the past, I've had my share of online addiction to deal with. Then again I did have my own rented house, working a full-time job, paying all my bills on time, with my Boys. yes this was before I began my own destruction in helping family out. I now realize what my Mother meant all those years ago. The fact that you can only depend on yourself to do what you say, takes years of learning. The if's, when's, should and shouldn't's, and the Biggest one is the WHO'S???????????????????? No wonder I have so many trust issues! Mom told me, "the only person I will ever be able to trust or depend on is Number 1, Me! Because no one else cares or ever will!!" Hmmm she doesn't know my friends too well now do she??? I'm proud to have the FRIENDS I have!!!!! But the moral of her story was and still is: You can't trust My Family even as far as you can throw them! (Sadly but Truly) As for the whoel bloodline thing I can see now it holds no creedence to any belief's that are usually a given to most. I applaud anyone that has a good Loving supporting family, and truly wish you well. I'm just glad they didn't put my picture in the dictionary by "Disfunction Family"

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tina, I'm glad your doing well. I'm sorry I missed you today. Anyway, family can suck you dry if you let them. Sadly mom was right, at the end of the day all you can depend on is you. Sure, you have friends, lovers and others that will try to help as much as possible .. but the nitty gritty of it is.. the only thing you can bet your life on IS YOU! Do what you need to, I have faith you'll come out the other side of this! I love ya hun. Take care. Jen

6:58 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Tina Poo, I do miss you. Hey i made a mini-poem. Anyways Im going to write you as soon as i get my school work settled in. If you need anything let me know!

8:10 PM  

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