Thursday, September 09, 2004

Just as you think Life is getting Better.. Someone throws a Wrench in the Works

Yes, A Wrench. Like I didn't already have enough on my plate. Oh well, Some have the timing of a 2 yr old in the middle of the night. LOL And, This too will Pass. I will still go where I want to be. That won't change. I have my son Very Excited about going to a Great College, working on his Aspirations are Very important to me. I've decided maybe I'm the one "out of Chances!!" Who Cares? Not me...... I make my chances now. I'm determined to be happy. And being with someone isn't what's going to make me happy. Doing something that I want to do will. If this sounds like a riddle... So Be it!! I didn't ask permission to be born I'll not ask permission to LIVE!!!! and If someone doesn't like it... TO HELL WITH THEM!!!!! I'm grown and will pay my own way.... I don't ask for handout's, Especially from MEN!! I'll not begin to beg for anything now. No I'm not pissed..... I have better things to do with my time than to be pissed off at anyone or thing at this point! Live and Let Live. But if you ever run into me, don't ask me what I'm doing in "Your" town, Because I'm liable to Tell you.... *Big Shit Eating Grin* And You might not like the smartassed answer you get!! See if they don't close the roads down for you.. they damn sure won't for me!!! Challenges are surely something to get the blood flowing.. in more ways then one! Have a Great Day.... Evening... Night... Whatever it may be for you now..

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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