Thursday, September 16, 2004

Well I have to Move come the 24th of Sept.....

I learned today I have to leave soon.. Thing is I still don't have anywhere to go. But I'm alive and still have the boys here with me! I'm still working on getting better. I hate being Sick.. :(( I'm also not giving up on getting a place and/or getting moved where I'm wanting to go. But I know that if I move there it has to be for different reasons than what most think. No it's not A Man...LMAO I can't depend on men to help me in my time of need. No offense intended to all my male friends. But the fact is I'm the only one I can depend on in my situation. Help comes in different ways. Be it Moral support or financial. Although the financial part is a flop!! They aren't collecting Child Support from my ex again so I'm stuck here with no income, I want to be able to work but I have to have a shot to work in this state. OMG, I'm not asking if there is anything else.. They'll find it here!!!! Well, I'll close this for now.. Hope to Chat soon!! Love to You!!

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



Blogger Moon said...

I am rooting for you Tina...hope you find a place and are able to get some money aswell. I am sending you good thoughts, wishes, prayers, and hugs...take care and keep us posted.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Even though my parents have apparently turned off the collect call feature, know that i am still here for you. Anything you need, im sure we can think of a way to communicate. How much string do you think i would need to reach you make a tin can phone?

7:19 PM  

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