Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hmmmmm, Here's a Thought!!!!

Hello Everyone! I want to tell you about someone I met here. Her name is Crissy. She's an Energetic, Caring woman, A Sweetheart if you will. She has so much strength that some must have rubbed off on me. I'm mad e a few important decissions. 1. I'm going back to school, (Tech I'm thinking) 2. I'm moving to where I want to be! I'll be staying here Probably the full school year, for the boys. Learn a trade and move ahead. Sounds like a Plan?? IT IS!!!! And guess what I'm not asking permission! LOL Nor am I basing what I'm doing on what someone else has to say or what they have planned. And I must add it feels good to not think about what someone else has to say. I'm going to look into a specific college, I've been told about. Now in all honesty, I was looking into this certain place more for my oldest son than myself. Many questions come to mind as I write/type this. Here's my answer to all of them: I CAN and WILL Succeed, no matter where I may be. It can't be any harder starting over there then it is here. I don't have anyone here to "be there' for me. I'm not sure to the reaction or response I may receive from this revelation. Not that I'm worried about it, because I'm not. Take me as I am or let me live in Peace!! Plus, I'm a Survivor, Good or Bad, I'm here. Knowing where my true force of Friends and Family lie in this, that's all that counts. And Will it be any worse to find out now where I stand, Or Later? For I am a believer in Dreams and Love!! Later isn't acceptable! A song comes to mind for me in this instance, I'll keep it to myself for the moment. Good Ol' Patsy, a song for every mood and occassion!! So Let's just see how well this bird flies, I'll worry about how far it gets me when I'm there.... LOL I love each of you that have been there for me morally and spiritually. I Pray each day that you too have a Great day. Shot me a message sometime. I check my email as often as possible.

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



Blogger Amanda said...

Oh Tina Poo, I am so proud of you. I know what a strong and determined woman you are, and you are soo gonna make things work out. Remember if ya ever need anything you can call me collect.

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Tina! Stand up hun, be proud and move ahead. Don't worry about the nay-sayers in the peanut gallery. It's your life. Live it to the benefit of you and the boys.

3:20 PM  

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