Friday, August 20, 2004

Good News, Bad News???

Well the Good News first!!

Andy and I have been spending more "Quality" time together. And, yes, We're both enjoying it. Still playing pool when we can, me still getting gripped at by Mom. Oh well, She doesn't remember how to feel good, I guess! Anyway, I could go on and on about it. What the hell, I think I will. It was okayed to tell you that he shocked me the other night! He asked me if I wanted to see something freaky. Well you know me.. I said Sure! Then in front of my eyes, he stripped naked!! Hell yes I enjoyed it. And?? LOL But I was told the convo didn't need to be here. Soooooo, I guess I'll keep it to a minimum. LMAO We discussed carpet colors, no I won't mention the way we described them. Umm it was interesting. Oh he tried his hand at mind-reading, and did very well I might Add!! We discussed certain things and to who they belong. More likes and dislikes. *Huge Grin* Then I asked, Why it seems I type more than he does, then obliged me with a paragraph.. I have to show it. I Love this Man!!! It was so Cool..

Andy: I don't know. I guess I could sit here and type for a solid hour to make up for lost words so to speak and just make one complete run-on setence that you'll probably get tired of reading and might not even finish reading the whole thing because there's a good chance you'll get bored with it and start to wonder why he isn't stopping because really this isn't making any sense at all, all this rambling I mean, because he could stop any time because I get the point, or maybe it's just because I really don't type very fast or very well so I keep my answers fairly short, unlike this one which seems to be going on forever but I think I'll stop now. Love: I LOVE YOU!!!! Andy: I love you too!

Then, I got serious on him. Asking some questions I needed answered. We still flirted and teased each other. But my Questions kept coming. The cool thing is, he didn't Cringe once. And it seems we've gotten closer because of that Q & A session. Cool, Huh?? He's always worried he's going to bore me. Not Hardly! Now, my bore my readers? Probably.. LOL But you always have the luxury of that big red box in the upper right hand corner with the X in it.. Don't you? *Shrugs Bare Shoulders* <--(Andy Likes that) Oh and he told me, I'm not allowed to propose to him, YET! LOL Something about touching the person he's engaged to, I can understand that though. No, Really I can!! I've never told ya'll, He's met some really interesting people, well his family and him. I know that no one could possible tell I'm totally in Love with him, Huh?? I'm so Subtle about it and all.... LMAO He has a Great sense of humor, a Sexy voice, Handsome, Smart, and a Kind Loving Heart. No, I'm not kissing up. It's true!!

Now the BAD News!

As I previously posted, My Mother's husband sold their house. That has left us all Homeless come Saturday. Yes as in day after tomorrow. The boys and I have nowhere to go. That's life isn't it. Just when it seems things are looking up, all the shit hits the fan in a different part of your life. Oh Well, this isn't going to get me down. I'll be calling for additional help. I think I've said this before, But, I REALLY don't want to go back to Texas!!! I know where I want to be, but that's not possible, yet. And I am Spoiled, and usually get what I want. No that is not a challenge. I'm too straight-forward to not go for something I want. But in life, Needs come first. My children Need a home, security, and it needs to be something for them and about them for now. Andy understands this. I understand it much better then they think! I've Caught more Hell in the past few days than I had in well over a year. Stress does that to people, A Lot to say the least. So to those that I Love and may not be able to talk to for a While. I want you to know that I will be thinking of you. I will try to send messages and try to keep up my blog with any updates. But you ALL Need to know this..... If I lose touch for a While..... I'll Still Love you All... I do have a few phone numbers to reach some. Until I can get my life in order, with a job. I'll not be able to use them!! God Bless Every ONE of you that have been there for me when I was at my Lowest. I don't give up!!! Don't believe me?? Ask Andy!!!

Take Care, God Bless and Talk to you All Soon!



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