Saturday, November 27, 2004

I Don't Want to CRY Anymore!!

I want all the pain to go away. All I want to remember is how he was there for me all of my life, until now. It's not his fault. I have to push all the "if's" away every minute of every day now. I miss him so much already. I cry and pray a lot. My mind keeps wondering if it ever will be okay again????? NO, it won't!! But I know he knew what he meant to me. I wasn't ready to kiss him good bye, not forever. Kisses are only to hold you over until the next one. As I sit here surrounded by family, I feel so ALONE! I feel as if someone just Stole my Life! Just as Daddy and I had gotten close again, it's gone forever. Never to Return, like a ship lost at sea, so helpless. Yes, my brother and I are getting along in this, we're the only ones. Long story attached to that, I'll save it for later. The investigator came back early this morning, took more samples and pictures. They are investigating it as a homicide now. We found blood on the front door that makes it look nothing like an accident. The feeling of relief I feel that they can't call it a suicide or an accident, is tremendous. But the hurt is deeper to think someone did this, Took My Babies Papa Tommy!! Took my Rock of Strength. My Daddy!! Everyone here offers to help in anyway they can. Yet the only thing I want is to have my Daddy back. That's something no one can give me.

Take Care, Be Safe, May Happiness Find you with a Smile, Talk to you soon!

Tina (Love)


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