Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Realizing a Few of Our Gifts!

There are many days I wake up in, what to call them.... Sentimental, okay Mushy moods. That's the day I don't talk to a lot of people. I think I bore them with my "spewing" of Love or just really deep feelings. Today I e-mailed a few people to let them know how much they mean to me. Some people think it's all talk when they first meet me. But it's true I think a lot with my heart. I feel as deep as I've described in my blog and to my friends when I want them to understand what I'm feeling, be it for them or about the situation. Recently, I realized I was feeling more cynical. One of my biggest fears is that I end up having a "dead" heart. I've seen what that does to others, I don't want to be one of them! I've been accused of Loving too hard too soon. But in reality, what is too soon? And How much is too much?? I was someone's wife once, I've decided that being someone's partner is better. Not that I won't ever get remarried. But, he's made me promise not to ask until we get face to face...LOL Plus, that's not a decision to be made lightly. Most people get married because they both feel the same towards each other. That wasn't the case with my marriage. But, I'm not here to rehash my past. That part of my life is over, that doesn't mean I didn't learn a few things from it. He will be in my life for years to come because we have 2 boys together. He remarried almost 10 years ago. He's happy and I'm happy for him. It took me many years to realize that I deserve to be happy too! The fact that he was Mormon never bothered me, still doesn't. He still calls me his first wife, as he was raised in the old ways. But he expressed that he wants me to find someone to be happy with. There's no reason for me to spend the rest of my time alone. Or in front of a computer fantasizing about what could be. Now don't get me wrong, I never needed his permission to find someone. My Someone I met just over a year ago. I've just decided that small obstacles aren't going to get me down. It's JUST 1405 miles from here to there....LOL What most don't know about me, is that I almost stopped living and caring after my divorce. Thanks to some very special friends I realize now the time I wasted. Time is a Gift. Life is a Gift. Love is a Gift. Friendships are Gifts too. None of them should be wasted! Waste not want not!! *Big Grin* May we all find our ways to not waste what we have.
Take Care, Be Safe, and We'll talk Soon!

Tina (Love)


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