Monday, October 31, 2005

Are You in Control?

The differences in emotions can be as diverse as opposites to so close it's confusing as Hell. After a stroke, emotions are Enormous! The "Havoc" a stroke victim/patient can cause varies. And in all realty, they don't realize it, well maybe weeks or months later. My Happy is "Ecstatic. My Sad....Well it's at a level where destitute starts looking pleasing. Anger is one that everyone advises against, it increases the blood pressure which could cause another stroke, even death. If my Anger is as enormous as all other emotions, calming me down must be easy? LOL Yeah Right, Suuuuuuuuuuuuure!! Now, I'm not sure how some are going to take this. Yeah, like this isn't "my" Blog. LMAO We all experience many Emotions. And yet when "certain" emotions or.....urm "urges" strike us, we don't really recognize them as emotions. Trust me, they ARE! Being Horny can be as over-whelming as a crying baby in a store. As the realization sets in (slurred speech, can't walk, no dancing ever again, vision impairments, and/or the inability to use one limb or another)this just adds to the long list of things you no longer have control of. At first you make jokes of it. you know, "Even old men on canes are starting to look good," or "Damn, I'm a cheaper date than before...NO drinking needed." Imagine yourself looking in a mirror saying the following: "The longer I do without sex , the more meds I need!" I'm on a purple one now, my Dr is contemplating a pink one next. Well at least the colors shouldn't clash. LMAO Most men pray for women like me, my sex drive being way off the charts are now multiplied!?! My ex-husband still cringes at the thought of my sex drive. He would be the one to tell you keeping up with me sexually, is NOT for the Weary. (Laughing Hysterically) Funny how I can put this out in cyberspace, huh? But seriously, Who'll take the time to look up an old horny woman? Hahahaha

Besides, mainly women read this, I think. (Hmmm, makes you wonder? Not like anyone would use the comments to verify this, or would they?) This is one of the Many subjects we women can discuss. Some without turning red. I take time to type a lot of these posts when my typing seems easier. I do tend to change the words of my "handwritten" journals to my Blog. A friend of mine recently pointed out how little people comment on how well a blog is written. Do you think it's because Praise may not have been a part of their childhood, let-alone adulthood? I tend not to comment on many blogs because I think, "Who cares what I think?" More comments will be made by me. Why should I think I don't matter? Seriously, if I really thought that way would I have a Public Blog at all? Of course not.

As my typing has become such a chore, I've talked my 16 yr old into helping me out. LOL In a way I think he gets a kick out of it, not just because of the sexual content (it's not porn). LMFAO He's begun to learn more about me in an adult setting, it's hilarious to watch. When it's not "grossing him out," he's looking toward me with wild quizzical looks. A conversation a few days ago comes to mind.

son: Wh.. Okay explain how that works?
me/mom: I'll explain it when you're a man.
son: Mom, that's not fair! as his mouth is agape.
me/mom: Who lied to you. hunny? Life's Never Fair! (Looking as
shocked as possible.)

There really is so many things to share in life. I'll be praying that I'm around when the "right" time gets here. I hope I remember to tell them to make life happen for them, not to them. That takes work and risk. Hopefully, they aren't afraid to try.

Be Loving Toward One Another.

God Bless,

Tina ~AKA~ Love


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