Friday, August 13, 2004

No Electric... Have Mercy!!

Okay, so Oklahoma doesn't work fast! The electricity went off at 7PM, it come back on 2 times not long enough to do anything. Then, FINALLY, around 1:30 pm it come on, and it's still on. (Hold's breath, not to jinx anything!) A Nice Cool Storm hit. The winds weren't but about 80 mph. Not to mention the rain so heavy you couldn't see anything in the yard. There was a tornado, in the town, on the other side. Everyone is fine here. Frustration sat in about 10 PM, I went to the car and listened to the radio. And of course I had already broke out the candles. No one in Oklahoma keeps those things. Go Figure. LOL After a while my oldest come out to get me. He was lonely, everyone else had went to bed. I went to take a shower, and while in there the lights came on. Yes I thanked God, and finished my shower. But to no avail, before the computer booted up, they went off again. Sitting here in the dark I was beginning to believe it wasn't my night! I went to sleep after a while. Woke up to the lights on at 9 AM, sent out one message, then off they went again. Considered taking the boys to the school to enroll them, but no electric there either. So no faxes of school records available! Well there's always Monday!! I've been trying to message others. But I guess they aren't getting them. So here I sit.

I just realized something. Today is my 11th Anniversary of my Divorce, it also was a Friday the 13th. I didn't find it an unlucky day at all, a sad one for a few years. Now I look back and realize that it was the best thing that could happen. I would never have met the people I call my friends, nor would I have ever known the Love from them. There is something to the saying, "Things happen for a Reason!" It took me a few years to see that. I can't imagine not knowing Reesie, Moon, Audrey, Zepp, Peachy, Red, Both Polar's, and last But Definitely not least, Andy!! Talk to ya'll later. Also, I hope no one takes offense if I didn't mention you. You all mean a lot to me! I just hope you know that!! Take care.

Love to Ya.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you huney i needed that, you mean the world to me and i'm always here for you when you need me, reesie

8:39 PM  

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