Friday, August 06, 2004

Some Questions Parent's Should Ask.....Themselves!!

1. Do I Enhance and/or Encourage my child(ren)'s Curiousities and Creativity?

2. Have I played with my them enough, that they KNOW Life can be Fun and Fulfilling?

3. Have I ever made them feel the way my parent's made me feel?

4. Am I continuing a vicious circle, or creating a Loving One?

5. How many times in one day, is telling them you Love them, too many?

6. Do they really know that you Love them?

7. Are My Actions making them my best friend or my worst Enemy?

Sometimes, It's not what you do FOR your child(ren). But, What you do WITH them!! Loet's not wait until we're without them to realize this. Love is All Around--Spread IT! Start at home and work from there..



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