Thursday, August 12, 2004

To Be or Not to Be.... Boring???

If you hide the fact that you love someone, does that mean it isn't real? Not that I can hide anything like that. I talk about it all the time. No subtlety there(well Here)! And Caffiene isn't the best thing for me either. It makes me ramble worse than usual. So, Decaf Please!?! LOL My friends and loved ones thank you for that. I have been in a very talkative mood most of the day. But the person I wanted to talk to wasn't in the mood for it. Played Pool with Jennifer today. I met her through Andy. She's a Lively one, Very Humorous. I like that. I have fun playing games with her. And chatting with her too. She lets me talk as much as I want to about Andy! I'm sure I bore her. I'm not a real exciting person to begin with. I Love to Laugh, to help others laugh as well!! Smiling and Laughing really is good for the Soul! Not only does it make you feel good but others around you too. Lots of things make us feel good. I'll not go into details here. We all know what we like!! Anyhow, back to Andy... LOL No I'm kidding! I don't want to bore everyone. Chance My youngest had 2 birthday cakes this year. He'll be bouncing off the walls from the sugar high for the next few days. LOLOh and I started this yesterday.. so to let you know I played pool again today with Jennifer. Andy still isn't feeling well. So I sent him a "Get Well" card. Still doing Laundry today. Getting ready for the boys to start school. See I told you I was boring! I think I'll close this for now. I'm going to chat with my friends! They Made a Room!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Love to you all. I Love you Andy, get to feeling better. Take care and talk to you Soon!


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