Monday, August 09, 2004

The Road Splits.... What Choices??

It wasn't so bad being in Texas. Being that my brother is far from my favorite person to be around, I still don't hate him. But will never care to be in his company again either. This time has shown me a few things. Like where the things that were stolen from my house went. Where the bill money went. Oh well, I'll get my life all back in order without him paying his bills he owes in my name. Or even drinking from my coffee cup again. Typing this is much easier than writing it. Plus it hleps if you can read your own handwritting..LOL I was a bit upset when I wrote this blog. I sat up most of the night trying to relax and go to sleep. It didn't work! So I sat up thinking of all the things said and all the things around me. The New TV, DVD player, VCR, Oh and let's not forget the Surround sound system. And the DVD collection that most would envy. Not me! To me it's blood money. A few of you that read this know the story behind this, key word is few. My Mother is still in her Dream world of where her "Son" is perfect. HA!! Someone that spent time in prison, is perfect? and innocent?? And she defended him to me!!!!!!! Just like old times. That's okay. I did get to point out that for the 5 years he was in prison. I was the one there to help her. But I see it was all for naught, in her eyes anyway. It's all going to be fine. My world isn't ending over pictures, movies, dishes or even the box of food they took. I'll replace what needs to be, and blow off the rest. Also, since it was the only place that the boys and I could stay, you'd have been proud. There was no drama. I didn't say a word to start any fights. Some have called me weak for this. But, trust me it takes more strength to not live the drama! The few family members I still stay in contact with, know I'm ready to break away. The thought of leaving everything and one that you know is usually scary to most. Not to me...Not anymore! Have a good Day!! God Bless and Take Care.


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