Saturday, August 14, 2004

Oh Lord Help me with the Chaos of Today...

Boy oh boy is today going to be fun. Everyone has decided to fight or cry. I'm actually in a decent mood. Just trying to find something to occupy my time. Arguement after arguement, fit after fit, makes you want to say "Calgon take me AWAY!!" But as we all know that doesn't work. It's a pipe dream like most things in life. I think I'll go hide in the bathroom for a while. Then I'll be able to sanely continue this blog! Loads of fun here today. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not really bitching. I'm just venting! LOL I'm not sure about others, but I try to stay in touch with things that happen in what I consider my hometown. The only way I can do that, is by reading the local newspaper online. Today, I learned of the death of a family friends 2 yr old son. This saddens me. With my boys here and healthy, I know how lucky I am. So many things have happened around me. And the little one's can't do it alone, therefore, I don't believe they are. As God watches over us, I believe he carries the little one's in a net when at all possible. I can't fathom how someone could hurt a baby. And I'm not sure how I would deal with a sick baby, let alone the death of one. We'll send a card, I know it won't be the same as having him laughing and smiling in their arms. Okay, I've wrote enough on this. I'll write more later. Sorry if I bore anyone. I'm just being me.


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