Saturday, August 14, 2004

Okay a little Mushy Stuff!

Okay so I'm a mushy person at times. I'll admit it! I'm not ashamed!! Okay so who are you and why are you reading this? LOL The last couple of days I've spent with that "Special Someone," Playing games and chatting. I'm not sure if he knows just how much this time means to me. Almost like watching tv together. Does that make sense? It's time, not always what you do with it that counts. Just enjoying someone's company. The Smiles are just a bonus! And, Yes he has a devastating smile!! He's feeling a bit under the weather still. I am hoping it all gets better soon. (still I'd kiss it to make it better!) As usual, we were in the middle of our time, and Mom needed the phone. It Never fails. But there's always tomorrow.

My Internet Sister's have been going through some sad dilemas. I'm praying for them, as I do always for the one's in my life. I have thought about my nickname I have a lot lately. I used to wonder why they called me Love. I think I've almost figured it out. Yes I do have a lot of Love for others, Giving it openly and willingly. The Beatles song comes to mind. "All we need is Love" and No I'm not talking about me. But Love does make the world go round!! Until later.. God be with you.. Love to you also!

Tina (Love)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, it's the little things you do/say with someone you love that makes all the difference. And yes, a few of us have been having difficulties. Let me thank you on my behalf (and theirs, if I can be so presumptuous). It's nice to know you mean something to someone. That you do indeed have a friend out there.. even if they aren't close enough to touch.

8:24 AM  
Blogger Moon said...

ALL WE NEED IS LOVE na na nanana.....aint that the truth eh..yup we need it in all shapes and of which is friendship...hugs to u my friend oxoxox

3:05 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I WUV U TINA POO!!!!!!!!

8:19 PM  

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