Sunday, August 15, 2004

School's Back In!!!

The Oldest Boys go back to school tomorrow. Yes I'm happy about it and sad too. This will give them something to do, so they won't be so bored! But, it cuts down the time we get to spend together. Our Bonding has been strained, that's putting it lightly. We are still waiting for "Normal" to return. Hmmmm, Does anyone know what that is? Yes, there were fights, angry words, that's the norm for siblings. There are 2 and half years between Bobby and Alex, then 7 years and 7 months between Alex and Chance. There's always something going on. Alex plays too rough with Chance so, it makes him scream and cry. Bobby and Alex fight so much it's crazy. But now Bobby and Chance are pretty close. I know Bobby will be wanting to go out with his friends soon enough. Don't worry, I'll let him some of the time. If I know who he's with and where they plan to go. It's not that I don't trust him, I just don't know anyone up here. Alex is just so full of energy to do something, he doesn't know what to do with his time. With that, and the fact that he still doesn't know how NOT to get into trouble, I can't let him go too far at all. Chance is a bundle of Energy that gets into and onto everything his little body can! That is typical for their ages. But the separation that took place for 10 months has taken it's toll on all of them.

Bobby wants to rule and protect too. Alex is ready to fight about anything at the drop of a hat. And Chance, well Chance has an attitude from Hell. Talking back, ugly words, and rebellion is a "normal" thing from him. Taking things from the older 2 works, but not Chance. He can play with sticks and be happy. Soap in the mouth for the ugly words hasn't worked either. I'm at a loss here. I've tried the time out thing, and the loving talking thing... What's next? I've taken classes for all of this, but nothing they suggested has worked. Of course My Mother has the perfect solution.... They need a Father figure!!! The sad thing is, I agree to an extent. Not that I'm going out looking for a Husband anytime soon. Just like thinking of going back to Texas. It's all too much to think about at the moment. A Stressful day does that to me. And yes I know you all know about Andy, but I don't sit in front of this computer looking to get married. Maybe one day. (I'll get the preacher, you bring the witnesses) LOL (private joke) I used to agree with others about marriage changing a relationship. Not now, my thoughts on that is, things only change if you've been pretending to be someone you're not. I don't pretend to be perfect in any way!

Anyway, I know ya'll don't want to hear about my dilemas on marriage or what it means, I'm sure. If you do just ask, I'll tell you.. :D Right now I have to stand on my own 2 feet and let the rest fall into place when it is allowed. I also know that sounds strange to some, not to all. Long distance relationships are the hardest. My Faith in him is very strong, as is my Love. I can hope it all works out. Knowing Andy is fun. He thinks he's boring. NOT!! But then again, I think I'm boring. So what does that say about us?? Well, I'll close for now. Have a Great Week!! Take care and God Bless.


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